join me virtually for A Novel Occasion!
So much to catch up on but here’s news that applies to everyone — the virtual event A Novel Occasion is coming up on January 25 and you can join me no matter where you are!
More info here.
now you see her...
Bestselling author of historical fiction including THE ARCTIC FURY and the Five Queendoms epic fantasy series (SCORPICA, ARCA).
So much to catch up on but here’s news that applies to everyone — the virtual event A Novel Occasion is coming up on January 25 and you can join me no matter where you are!
More info here.
Hi there! I recently realized that a few of my recent posts, articles and lists from around the web slipped through the blogging cracks. Totally an error on my part. The great news is there’s no bad time to, for example, learn about three big mistakes to avoid if you’re writing biographical historical fiction.
So here’s a piece I put together for SheWrites on what NOT to do in that genre! Like:
Don’t let your subject have the final say. My latest subject, Aimee Crocker, was widely quoted in newspapers during her life and even wrote her own memoir, which she titled — in classic Aimee fashion — And I’d Do It Again. But her memoir says very little about some of the things that interested me most, like the very public custody battle with her first husband that resulted in both of them losing custody of their daughter, who was then adopted by Aimee’s mother (yes, really).
Ah, I love a review, good or bad, but it is definitely possible that I might love good reviews more. I’m only human!
So I definitely enjoyed this lovely review from the New York Journal of Books.
Lots of plot detail, so beware of spoilers (from Aimee’s real life as well as the book), but here’s the upshot if you don’t want to click through:
“An outstanding depiction of Aimee Crocker's complicated real life turned into fiction.”
Full review here. Thanks, NYJB!
One of the best things about having a new book out in the world is celebrating with author friends, and Kerri Maher and I have a great party coming up! We’ll be at Newtonville Books in Newton, MA, celebrating The Thirteenth Husband and All You Have To Do Is Call (now both available in paperback!) with cake, nibbles, mocktails and more.
Details on my events page or at the bookstore’s website right here.
Had a great time writing about wild women of the Gilded Age for the Nerd Daily. Obviously Aimee Crocker, the subject of The Thirteenth Husband, was wilder than most, but she was far from the only woman standing out for breaking rules during those days.
Short post today but wanted to share this lovely review from the Historical Novel Society! I love reviews that tell you just enough about the plot to intrigue you without giving too much away. And of course I love the kicker:
This novel will appeal to those who enjoy a story with a healthy dose of mysticism, a tale of a glamorous but flawed heroine.
Read the whole review here. Thanks, HNS!
The number of books that come out any given day, week or month is truly staggering. So I’m always glad when one of mine gets highlighted. And BookBub has done just that, naming The Thirteenth Husband to their list of Books We Can’t Wait To Read This Month!
(Lots of great stuff on this list — I added a few more to my TBR myself.)
I’m used to doing lots of interviews when I have a new book come out, but here’s the secret: some interviews are harder than others. Sometimes things just don’t click for whatever reason. So when they do, it’s special.
And boy howdy, did I click this week with the awesome ladies of Friends & Fiction! (After rewatching my description of the book, I did belatedly realize I need to learn to take a breath, but all in all, I think it’s a great watch.)
You can watch the playback on YouTube or Facebook, your choice, or you can also get the audio as a podcast. So many ways to enjoy!
And if watching me breathlessly recount Aimee’s adventures nudges you over the edge into wanting to buy the book, here’s a great way to do so: order from the Friends & Fiction page at That way you’re also supporting independent bookstores with your shopping choices.
My very first interview on launch day for The Thirteenth Husband was with Matt Kelley at Radio Iowa, who has interviewed me about each of my historical novels, so it’s become a lovely tradition to speak with him. From the interview:
Greer Macallister, who grew up in Janesville, says Aimee Crocker was a fascinating figure in history, whose tale includes snakes, spirits, world travels, and lavish Manhattan parties, but through her public notoriety, there’s also private pain.
You can read a summary of the interview or listen to the full recording here.
Wow! It has been an action-packed launch week for my new historical novel, and I’m having the time of my life. Three in-person events in a row (shout out to Wellesley Books, An Unlikely Story, and Bank Square Books) with one more coming tomorrow (Copper Dog Books in Beverly, MA, please join us!)… plus interviews and essays and trying to keep up with the outpouring of love on social media. Exhausting, of course, but blissfully so.
Lots of new fun things to share — reviews! lists! more interviews! — but I just wanted to post a brief note thanking everyone for their support and attention this week. I’m really, really thrilled to be sharing Aimee’s story with you.
And if you haven’t yet picked up a copy of THE THIRTEENTH HUSBAND for yourself or a friend, please do so at your local independent bookstore! Or if you’d rather buy online, Bookshop is a super-easy way to support bookstores and get the books you want without leaving your house. Win-win!
Thank you, readers.