#read99women: Allie Larkin
Allie Larkin is the internationally bestselling author of the novels, Stay, Why Can’t I Be You, (Dutton/Plume) and Swimming for Sunlight (Atria/Simon & Schuster). Her short fiction has been published in the Summerset Review and Slice Magazine. Her nonfiction essays are included in the dog anthology, I’m Not the Biggest Bitch in This Relationship, alongside Chelsea Handler and Annabelle Gurwitch, and Author in Progress, a how-to guide for Writer’s Digest Books. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, with her husband, Jeremy, and their fearful, faithful German Shepherd, Stella.
Allie Larkin
Allie’s #read99women pick is Ann Mah’s THE LOST VINTAGE, “a gorgeous novel of French food, wine, and a mystery from the past rapidly unraveling.” Another highlight from her review: “It's beautifully written and expertly plotted. I couldn’t stop reading and wanted to savor every word.”
Read the full review on Bookbub here.