#read99women: Karma Brown
Some writers get into a comfortable groove and follow it, writing a particular type of fiction they know their regular readers will be eager to read; some writers get seized by an idea outside of their usual genre and can’t help but follow it to see where it leads. Karma Brown is the latter. Her latest release, RECIPE FOR A PERFECT WIFE, is definitely a departure from her previous books, and it’s a slam-bang success of a detour, hitting Canadian bestseller lists and bringing home the gold medal of book reviews, a rave from the New York Times.
Karma has always loved the written word. As a kid she could usually be found with her face buried in a book, or writing stories about ice-skating elephants. Now that she’s (mostly) grown up, she’s the bestselling author of five novels, and her debut novel, COME AWAY WITH ME, was a Globe & Mail Best 100 Books of 2015.
A National Magazine Award winning journalist, Karma has been published in a variety of publications, including SELF, Redbook, Today’s Parent, Best Health, Canadian Living and Chatelaine. Karma lives just outside Toronto, Canada with her husband, daughter, and a labradoodle named Fred.
Karma Brown
And what book does Karma recommend for #read99women? “A story of motherhood, but not one of sweet lullabies... a book I read in one, breathless sitting.” THE NEED by Helen Phillips was one of the best-reviewed thrillers of 2019, making year-end lists at the New York Times, the Washington Post, O Magazine, NPR, and more. Read Karma’s full review here.
And tune in tomorrow for another #read99women recommendation!