#read99women: Sally Koslow
One of the joys of putting together this #read99women series has been learning about books I hadn’t heard of before. And the reviews and recommendations make me eager to read every single one!
Today’s recommendation comes from Sally Koslow, author of the novels ANOTHER SIDE OF PARADISE, a historical novel about the shocking love affair of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Sheilah Graham; the international bestseller THE LATE, LAMENTED MOLLY MARX; THE WIDOW WALTZ; WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE; and LITTLE PINK SLIPS. Her books have been published in a dozen countries.
Sally is the former editor-in-chief of McCall’s Magazine. She has taught at the Writing Institute at Sarah Lawrence College and is on the faculty of the New York Writer’s Workshop. She has contributed essays and articles to The New York Times, O, Real Simple, and many other newspapers and magazines. She has lectured at Yale, Columbia, New York University, Wesleyan University, and University of Chicago, as well as many community and synagogue groups.
Sally Koslow
For #read99women, Sally recommends ON DIVISION by Goldie Goldbloom. She calls this novel “An edgy yet tender-hearted book… ON DIVISION illuminates the comforts and challenges of belonging to an ultra-Orthodox Chassidic sect, but in a larger way, this novel is a profound reflection on marriage and parenthood. Mazel tov, Goldie Goldbloom.”
Read her full review of ON DIVISION on Goodreads here.
For more about Sally and her books, visit sallykoslow.com.