SCORPICA named Noteworthy in the Washington Post!

This good news brought February in with a bang! The Washington Post named Scorpica one of its “10 Noteworthy Books For February” — the Post is my local paper, and there’s always something extra-special about seeing my name and book title in their distinctive font.

And I love how they introduce the book: “If Brienne of Tarth or Éowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan, are your girls, Macallister has something for you.“

Subscribers can read the whole list here!

Bent Biblios Podcast features THE ARCTIC FURY!

Hello! I know I’ve been nattering pretty nonstop about my new book coming out in a few weeks (SCORPICA SCORPICA SCORPICA) but it’s only been a year since THE ARCTIC FURY first came out, and especially now that it’s winter again, I’ve been doing more book clubs and interviews about it! The latest is a fabulous podcast called The Bent Biblios, and I have to say, Ashley and Tegan asked me so many insightful, in-depth questions that I was blown away.

Hope you have as much fun listening to the podcast as we did recording it!

The podcast is likely available wherever you like to get your podcasts, but here are direct links to a couple of the most likely locations. Enjoy!

Apple: Bent Biblios Podcast: Greer Macallister Talks The Arctic Fury on Apple Podcasts

Spotify: Greer Macallister Talks The Arctic Fury - Bent Biblios Podcast | Podcast on Spotify

SCORPICA gets a starred review from Kirkus!

Somehow I seem to have forgotten to mention that SCORPICA got a starred review from Kirkus. Possibly the shock of the good news knocked everything else out of my head for a bit. You can read the whole review here, and as usual, my publisher’s fabulous team has pulled out the most exciting and relevant bit to present in graphic form. Not everyone is reading my blog daily and knows all about this book, after all — we’ve got to get the word out to other readers who would love to read feminist fantasy set in a matriarchal world and just haven’t heard about SCORPICA yet!

The Nerd Daily lists SCORPICA as a Book to Devour!

It has been A Week around here and I have honestly lost track of what I’ve posted about and what I haven’t. Thank goodness I can look back at the blog itself and see.

So it looks like I haven’t shared this particular bit of good news yet: SCORPICA made The Nerd Daily’s list of Fantasy and Sci-Fi Book Releases to Devour in 2022!

The books are listed by month of release so you can set up your schedule for what to devour when, and I love seeing SCORPICA’s gorgeous cover (with art by Victo Nghi) pop out of a row like this:

Want to see all the other good stuff coming in the first half of the year for SFF fans? Take a look here.

Scorpica on BookBub's list of Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2022!

I often get a heads-up on reviews, honors and other book-related news items, but not always. And sometimes the unexpected discoveries are extra-fun.

Like today, when I got a BookBub email with a link to “Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2022,” and of course I opened it and skimmed it, looking at the familiar names, and then — BOOM! Scorpica was right there with the likes of upcoming books from John Scalzi, Melissa Albert, Mike Chen, Tamsyn Muir, and other SFF luminaries.

Check out the list of 23 awesome reads here!